15  Aci 曲线拟合相关

ACi 曲线的拟合,有三个软件包来实现,分别是 plantecophys, plantecowraps, photosynthesis章节 3)。我们分别来看一下他们的实现方式。

15.1 plantecophys 拟合

plantecophys (章节 3) 里拟合二氧化碳的函数本质上只有一个 fitaci,只不过为了一次拟合多个处理的数据,在其基础上将 fitaci 扩展为了 fitacis

15.1.1 fitaci 函数介绍

fitaci 的用法如下1

fitaci(data, varnames = list(ALEAF = "Photo", 
  Tleaf = "Tleaf", Ci = "Ci", PPFD = "PARi", 
  Rd = "Rd"), Tcorrect = TRUE, Patm = 100, 
  citransition = NULL, quiet = FALSE, 
  startValgrid = TRUE, fitmethod = 
  c("default", "bilinear", "onepoint"), 
  algorithm = "default", fitTPU = FALSE, 
  useRd = FALSE, PPFD = NULL, Tleaf = NULL, 
  alpha = 0.24, theta = 0.85, gmeso = NULL, 
  EaV = 82620.87, EdVC = 0, delsC = 645.1013,
  EaJ = 39676.89, EdVJ = 2e+05, 
  delsJ = 641.3615, GammaStar = NULL, 
  Km = NULL, id = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'acifit'
plot(x, what = c("data", "model", "none"),
     xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, whichA = c(
       "Ac", "Aj", "Amin", "Ap"), add = FALSE,
pch = 19, addzeroline = TRUE, addlegend = 
  !add, legendbty = "o",transitionpoint = TRUE, 
linecols = c("black", "blue", "red"), lwd = c(1,
2), ...)


  • data:需要分析的数据,必须为 .data.frame。 格式。

  • varnames:数据的表头,此处函数默认的表头为 LI-6400 的表头,分析 LI-6400 的数据时可以不用填写,直接使用默认的参数即可2

  • Tcorrect:如果为 TRUE,那么 J_{max}V_{cmax} 的结果为温度校正结果,若 Tcorrect = FALSE,则为测量温度下的结果。

  • Patm:为外界大气压。

  • citransition:参见详,若提供该选项,则 J_{max}V_{cmax} 的区域则分别拟合3

  • fitmethod:参见详解。

  • fitTPU:是否拟合 TPU 限制,默认为 FALSE,参见详解。

  • x:对于plot.acifit,x 为fitaci返回的对象,简单理解为 将 fitaci 函数拟合结果赋值给一个变量,此处plot函数实际上为plot.acifit。

  • what:利用基础做图工具,默认为对数据和模型进行作图。

  • whichA:默认为对所有的光合速率进行作图(Aj=Jmax-limited (蓝色), Ac=Vcmax- limited (红色), Hyperbolic minimum (黑色)), TPU-limited rate (Ap, 如果模型有计算结果)。

其余参数请参考 FvCB 模型 Farquhar, Caemmerer, 和 Berry (1980) 及查看 plantecophys 的帮助文档。


  • 默认为非线性拟合,详见 Duursma (2015)

  • bilinear 方法使用两次线性拟合方法首先拟合 V_{cmax} 和 R_{d},然后再拟合J_{max},过渡点的选择为对所有数据拟合最适的点,类似 Gu 等 (2010) 的方法。该方法的优势时无论如何,都会返回拟合结果,尤其是非线性拟合失败时使用该方法,但若默认方法失败时,需首先检查是否数据存在问题。两种拟合方法的结果有轻微的差别4

  • onepoint 参考 De Kauwe 等 (2016)。该方法不同于前面所提到的 ACi 曲线测量,有一系列的前提,但测量比较快。

  • citransition 使用时,数据将被区分为 V_{cmax} 限制(Ci < citransition )区域,以及 J_{max} 限制 (Ci > citransition) 区域。

  • fitTPU:如果要计算TPU,要设置 fitTPU = TRUE,并且 fittingmethod = “bilinear”。但需要注意,当 TPU 被计算时,没有 J_{max} 限制的点的存在是可能的。TPU限制的发生是在A值不随 CO_{2} 的增加而增加时发生的,因此计算 TPU 是否有返回值,取决于测量数据是否有此情况出现。

15.1.2 fitaci 的使用

首先安装 plantecophys:

install.packages("plantecophys", dependencies = TRUE)

如果使用 LI-6800,为方便起见,可以使用我修改后的 plantecophys2:


我们先看一个使用 LI-6400 的例子:


# 利用read.csv读取数据文件,
# 我的路径为当前工作路径的data文件夹内
aci <- read.csv("data/aci.csv")

# 防止可能出现的NA值
aci <- subset(aci, Obs > 0)

# 不修改默认参数对数据进行拟合
acifit <- fitaci(aci)

# 查看拟合结果
Result of fitaci.

Data and predictions:
           Ci      Ameas    Amodel         Ac        Aj   Ap        Rd VPD
5    53.47985 -0.6575974 -0.514689 -0.3552037  0.000000 1000 0.1594498 1.5
4    85.82530  1.7971569  1.929261  2.0888576  5.068534 1000 0.1594498 1.5
3   150.67623  6.4525814  6.417603  6.5777532 12.755503 1000 0.1594498 1.5
2   217.32002 10.6562220 10.535462 10.6965881 17.519644 1000 0.1594498 1.5
1   286.39751 14.2848912 14.336589 14.4993989 20.749311 1000 0.1594498 1.5
6   292.56161 15.4296572 14.974916 15.1383711 20.852617 1000 0.1594498 1.5
7   292.96456 15.7134791 15.056480 15.2200531 20.831099 1000 0.1594498 1.5
8   450.64285 22.2659015 23.011519 23.1976010 25.186940 3000 0.1594498 1.5
9   622.03873 26.5135040 27.648500 30.4281411 27.837462 3000 0.1594498 1.5
10  992.08737 30.3898585 30.630046 42.3998197 30.797661 3000 0.1594498 1.5
11 1558.96968 33.6267056 32.663802 54.9948295 32.828111 3000 0.1594498 1.5
12 1756.16396 33.3152783 33.098149 58.5844541 33.261966 3000 0.1594498 1.5
      Tleaf         Cc     PPFD Patm Ci_original
5  31.12332   53.47934 1800.490  100    53.47985
4  30.99093   85.82723 1800.558  100    85.82530
3  30.82872  150.68265 1800.140  100   150.67623
2  30.63983  217.33057 1800.524  100   217.32002
1  30.46890  286.41186 1800.701  100   286.39751
6  31.26338  292.57660 1799.923  100   292.56161
7  31.41866  292.97963 1799.975  100   292.96456
8  31.54122  450.66588 1799.826  100   450.64285
9  31.63493  622.06640 1799.578  100   622.03873
10 31.73910  992.11803 1800.055  100   992.08737
11 31.86938 1559.00238 1800.022  100  1558.96968
12 31.96654 1756.19709 1799.585  100  1756.16396

Root mean squared error:  1.889701 

Estimated parameters:
         Estimate Std. Error
Vcmax  49.2616183  1.5152403
Jmax  126.6205411  2.2816264
Rd      0.1594498  0.4001301
Note: Vcmax, Jmax are at 25C, Rd is at measurement T.

Curve was fit using method:  default 

Parameter settings:
Patm = 100
 alpha = 0.24
 theta = 0.85
 EaV = 82620.87
 EdVC = 0
 delsC = 645.1013
 EaJ = 39676.89
 EdVJ = 2e+05
 delsJ = 641.3615

Estimated from Tleaf (shown at mean Tleaf):
GammaStar =  58.61138 
Km =  1223.279 
acifit_linear <- fitaci(aci,  fitmethod = "bilinear", quiet = TRUE)
Result of fitaci.

Data and predictions:
           Ci      Ameas     Amodel         Ac        Aj   Ap        Rd VPD
5    53.47985 -0.6575974 -0.7389447 -0.3560483  0.000000 1000 0.3828608 1.5
4    85.82530  1.7971569  1.7108198  2.0938246  5.138366 1000 0.3828608 1.5
3   150.67623  6.4525814  6.2098476  6.5933940 12.931333 1000 0.3828608 1.5
2   217.32002 10.6562220 10.3375299 10.7220229 17.761317 1000 0.3828608 1.5
1   286.39751 14.2848912 14.1477696 14.5338762 21.035722 1000 0.3828608 1.5
6   292.56161 15.4296572 14.7876514 15.1743678 21.139657 1000 0.3828608 1.5
7   292.96456 15.7134791 14.8694171 15.2562440 21.117718 1000 0.3828608 1.5
8   450.64285 22.2659015 22.8464806 23.2527613 25.533374 3000 0.3828608 1.5
9   622.03873 26.5135040 27.8030690 30.5004944 28.220254 3000 0.3828608 1.5
10  992.08737 30.3898585 30.8295808 42.5006398 31.221072 3000 0.3828608 1.5
11 1558.96968 33.6267056 32.8913778 55.1255986 33.279305 3000 0.3828608 1.5
12 1756.16396 33.3152783 33.3316070 58.7237587 33.719013 3000 0.3828608 1.5
      Tleaf         Cc     PPFD Patm Ci_original
5  31.12332   53.47911 1800.490  100    53.47985
4  30.99093   85.82701 1800.558  100    85.82530
3  30.82872  150.68244 1800.140  100   150.67623
2  30.63983  217.33037 1800.524  100   217.32002
1  30.46890  286.41167 1800.701  100   286.39751
6  31.26338  292.57641 1799.923  100   292.56161
7  31.41866  292.97944 1799.975  100   292.96456
8  31.54122  450.66572 1799.826  100   450.64285
9  31.63493  622.06656 1799.578  100   622.03873
10 31.73910  992.11823 1800.055  100   992.08737
11 31.86938 1559.00260 1800.022  100  1558.96968
12 31.96654 1756.19733 1799.585  100  1756.16396

Root mean squared error:  2.013045 

Estimated parameters:
         Estimate Std. Error
Vcmax  49.3787547  3.4815555
Jmax  128.5546403         NA
Rd      0.3828608  0.4697008
Note: Vcmax, Jmax are at 25C, Rd is at measurement T.

Curve was fit using method:  bilinear 

Parameter settings:
Patm = 100
 alpha = 0.24
 theta = 0.85
 EaV = 82620.87
 EdVC = 0
 delsC = 645.1013
 EaJ = 39676.89
 EdVJ = 2e+05
 delsJ = 641.3615

Estimated from Tleaf (shown at mean Tleaf):
GammaStar =  58.61138 
Km =  1223.279 
# 仅查看拟合参数, 比较两种拟合参数的差异
      Vcmax        Jmax          Rd 
 49.3787547 128.5546403   0.3828608 
      Vcmax        Jmax          Rd 
 49.2616183 126.6205411   0.1594498 

需要注意,plantecophys 的 Rd 不需要带负号,即上面的仅仅表示呼吸速率的值。

# 设置作图参数,图形的边距及分为1行两列输出图形
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 2))
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# 对两种拟合参数的结果作图,查看模型拟合是否正常
plot(acifit, addlegend = FALSE)
legend(x = 500, y = 10, 
       legend = c(expression(paste(A[c])), 
                "Limiting rate"),
       lty = c(1, 1, 1),
       col =c("red", "blue", "black") 
mtext(" fitmethod = 'default' ")

plot(acifit_linear, addlegend = FALSE)
legend(x = 500, y = 10, 
       legend = c(expression(paste(A[c])), 
                  "Limiting rate"),
       lty = c(1, 1, 1),
       col =c("red", "blue", "black") 
mtext("fitmethod = 'bilinear' ")
par <- op
Figure 15.1: fitmethod 为非线性和线性拟合的差异

如果需要导出数据做他用,使用 Rstudio 的话,其自动补全的功能在选择数据上更方便 (即输入拟合的名称 + $ 符号后,自动补全会弹出提示)。例如导出预测值和系数分别使用如下方式:

# 将模型拟合结果中df(即计算数据)赋给predictaci,
# 并用write.csv导出
predictaci <- acifit$df
write.csv(acifit$df, file = "acipredict.csv")
write.csv(coef(acifit), file = "coefaci.csv")

需要注意的是,因为非线性拟合需要一个初值,因此,使用默认方式(非线性拟合)的时候,会存在可能的拟合失败现象,此时可以使用 fitmethod = "bilinear",二者结果略有差别。

一次拟合多条 ACi 曲线

fitacis 函数实际上是 fitaci 函数的扩展,方便一次拟合多条曲线5。函数的参数如下:

fitacis(data, group, fitmethod = c("default", 
        "bilinear"),progressbar = TRUE, 
        quiet = FALSE, id = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'acifits'
plot(x, how = c("manyplots", "oneplot"), 
     highlight = NULL, ylim = NULL, 
     xlim = NULL, add = FALSE, what = c("model",
     "data", "none"), ...)


实际上 fitacis 与 fitaci 模型算法完全一致,只不过增加了一个 group 参数,用于区分不同测量的数据,具体请参考举例内容。

fitacis 函数应用举例

下文代码根据 plantecophys 中的示例代码修改,进行演示,原代码请参考其帮助文档。

# 只提取前10个不同测量的数据,节省时间进行举例
manyacidat2 <- droplevels(manyacidat[manyacidat$Curve %in% 

# 对多条曲线进行拟合,使用bilinear方法,
# 仅仅因为其比非线性拟合节省时间
fits <- fitacis(manyacidat2, group = "Curve", fitmethod="bilinear", quiet = TRUE)

# 拟合结果为list,我们可以只提取第一个的拟合结果
Result of fitaci.

Data and predictions:
           Ci      Ameas     Amodel         Ac        Aj   Ap        Rd VPD
2    53.23129 -0.4401082  0.1014381  0.9601119  2.548123 1000 0.8586158 1.5
3    79.47367  2.4824630  2.1937702  3.0526198  7.036734 1000 0.8586158 1.5
4   116.74688  5.4531712  4.9419337  5.8011511 11.392394 1000 0.8586158 1.5
5   188.00801  9.7099879  9.5705964 10.4310194 16.447715 1000 0.8586158 1.5
6   278.44662 14.8225766 14.4261545 15.2897486 19.977583 1000 0.8586158 1.5
7   343.03259 17.7982155 17.4602014 18.3289218 21.639847 1000 0.8586158 1.5
1   344.72152 17.9244012 17.3165146 18.1849643 21.534276 1000 0.8586158 1.5
14  344.74839 16.7933747 17.6853306 18.5545917 21.774261 1000 0.8586158 1.5
8   588.08078 23.8925326 24.1309683 27.0327638 25.020148 3000 0.8586158 1.5
9   833.25547 26.5674409 25.7783026 33.0856065 26.647921 3000 0.8586158 1.5
10 1136.99222 25.9787890 26.8108335 38.1296944 27.676768 3000 0.8586158 1.5
11 1436.86370 26.6110657 27.5409345 42.0628463 28.405453 3000 0.8586158 1.5
12 1536.46772 27.4018784 27.7965881 43.3773689 28.660781 3000 0.8586158 1.5
13 1731.76400 28.6752069 28.0952804 45.2475932 28.959041 3000 0.8586158 1.5
      Tleaf         Cc     PPFD Patm Ci_original
2  24.55873   53.23139 1799.959  100    53.23129
3  24.58292   79.47586 1799.590  100    79.47367
4  24.71278  116.75183 1799.819  100   116.74688
5  24.73687  188.01759 1800.371  100   188.00801
6  24.67508  278.46106 1800.233  100   278.44662
7  24.76596  343.05006 1799.575  100   343.03259
1  24.51593  344.73886 1800.356  100   344.72152
14 24.94098  344.76609 1799.964  100   344.74839
8  24.83785  588.10494 1799.477  100   588.08078
9  24.91185  833.28127 1799.969  100   833.25547
10 24.87314 1137.01906 1799.525  100  1136.99222
11 24.95914 1436.89126 1799.615  100  1436.86370
12 25.04542 1536.49554 1799.784  100  1536.46772
13 25.07566 1731.79212 1799.160  100  1731.76400

Root mean squared error:  2.196037 

Estimated parameters:
         Estimate Std. Error
Vcmax  65.0009909  1.3720635
Jmax  131.7980133         NA
Rd      0.8586158  0.2876248
Note: Vcmax, Jmax are at 25C, Rd is at measurement T.

Curve was fit using method:  bilinear 

Parameter settings:
Patm = 100
 alpha = 0.24
 theta = 0.85
 EaV = 82620.87
 EdVC = 0
 delsC = 645.1013
 EaJ = 39676.89
 EdVJ = 2e+05
 delsJ = 641.3615

Estimated from Tleaf (shown at mean Tleaf):
GammaStar =  42.31453 
Km =  698.2084 
# 使用sapply提取拟合结果的RMSE(均方根误差)
rmses <- sapply(fits, "[[", "RMSE")
plot(rmses, type='h', ylab="RMSE", xlab="Curve nr")
# 对最差的拟合结果进行作图
Figure 15.2: fitacis作图结果
Figure 15.3: fitacis作图结果

可以看出,fitacifitacis 用法基本一致,各行代码均已经注释,更详细用法请参函数考帮助。

15.1.3 fitmethod = “onepoint” 介绍

De Kauwe 等 (2016) 发表了关于 one point 方法计算 V_{cmax}J_{max} 的文章,在 2017 年 11 月的更新中,plantecophys 将对应的 python 代码移植到了 plantecophys, 该方法并非使用一个点计算 V_{cmax}J_{max},而是对数据集中的每一个点的值进行估计,使用的方法为逆向了光合作用方程。输出则是将原始数据中加入了 V_{cmax}J_{max} 的计算结果,当然一如既往的可以使用温度校准的方法。为提升测量的准确性,最佳方案是有测量的 Rd 值。也就是 useRd 被默认启用。它的假设是在外部环境 CO2 浓度和饱和光下。


\hat{V}_{cmax} = (A_{sat} + R_{day}) \frac{C_i + K_m}{C_i - \Gamma^*} \tag{15.1}

其中:Km 为米氏常数,其计算为:

K_m = K_c (1 + \frac{O_i}{K_o}) \tag{15.2}

未知参数均由文献中的方法进行计算,具体可参考 De Kauwe 等 (2016) 的原文,但上述方法的缺陷是还需要 Rday,因此作者使用了1.5% Vcmax 作为 Rday,因此公式 公式  15.1 可变换为:

\hat{V}_{cmax} = A_{sat} (\frac{C_i + K_m}{C_i - \Gamma^*} - 0.015) \tag{15.3}

另一个重要的模型的假设为 Jmax 与 Vcmax 是成比例的, Jmax 的计算是通过 Ci transition point 来实现的,文章中的比值均值为 1.9,范围在 1.68 ~ 2.14 之间。

15.1.4 使用 ‘onepoint’ 单独计算 Vcmax 和 Jmax

目前我手头没有相应数据,仅有使用 LI-6400 测试 auto log 2 时的一个数据,我们用这个来示范该方法的使用:

one_data <- read.csv("data/onepoint.csv")
Table 15.1: onepoint 使用的数据
Obs HHMMSS FTime EBal. Photo Cond Ci Trmmol VpdL CTleaf Area BLC_1 StmRat BLCond Tair Tleaf TBlk CO2R CO2S H2OR H2OS RH_R RH_S Flow PARi PARo Press CsMch HsMch CsMchSD HsMchSD CrMchSD HrMchSD StableF BLCslope BLCoffst f_parin f_parout alphaK Status fda Trans Tair_K Twall_K R.W.m2. Tl.Ta SVTleaf h2o_i h20diff CTair SVTair CndTotal vp_kPa VpdA CndCO2 Ci_Pa Ci.Ca RHsfc C2sfc AHs.Cs
1 14:12:43 347.0 0 10.519216 0.1369336 263.0905 1.963046 1.445782 25.89411 6 1.42 1 2.84 25.86572 25.89411 25.86697 412.5374 398.9832 16.98853 19.29724 50.16200 56.97891 500.3231 1198.761 7.497697 98.84273 2.011996 -0.3824501 0.1618589 0.0039255 0.1864786 0.0030409 1.0000000 -0.2195652 2.737392 1 0 0.16 111115 0.8338718 0.0019630 299.0441 299.0157 191.8018 1.191025 3.353173 33.92433 14.62709 25.87991 3.350355 0.1306349 1.907392 1.442964 0.0821903 26.00458 0.6594024 57.74196 393.9829 0.0154169
2 14:13:04 369.0 0 10.361122 0.1357092 264.1135 1.946022 1.445559 25.89542 6 1.42 1 2.84 25.86854 25.89542 25.86977 412.5459 399.1890 17.01363 19.30231 50.22723 56.98380 500.3223 1198.748 7.486364 98.84175 2.018435 -0.3787848 0.2174792 0.0025482 0.2455426 0.0025012 1.0000000 -0.2195652 2.737392 1 0 0.16 111115 0.8338705 0.0019460 299.0454 299.0185 191.7997 1.199722 3.353433 33.92729 14.62498 25.88198 3.350765 0.1295200 1.907874 1.442891 0.0814842 26.10544 0.6616252 57.73418 394.2638 0.0151724
3 14:13:25 373.0 0 10.207166 0.1342114 264.8348 1.925734 1.445717 25.89660 6 1.42 1 2.84 25.87186 25.89660 25.87317 412.5393 399.3762 17.03833 19.30316 50.29006 56.97489 500.3188 1198.737 7.489428 98.84142 2.018435 -0.3787848 0.2174792 0.0025482 0.2455426 0.0025012 1.0000000 -0.2195652 2.737392 1 0 0.16 111115 0.8338647 0.0019257 299.0466 299.0219 191.7980 1.210137 3.353668 33.92979 14.62663 25.88423 3.351212 0.1281551 1.907951 1.443261 0.0806199 26.17665 0.6631213 57.71117 394.5242 0.0149311
4 14:13:41 389.5 0 9.547416 0.1281947 269.6337 1.854272 1.454248 25.94020 6 1.42 1 2.84 25.91845 25.94020 25.92104 413.8090 401.4666 17.12559 19.30638 50.40359 56.82203 500.3162 1199.245 7.449210 98.83208 2.018435 -0.3787848 0.2174792 0.0025482 0.2455426 0.0025012 1.0000000 -0.2195652 2.737392 1 0 0.16 111115 0.8338604 0.0018543 299.0902 299.0684 191.8792 1.247158 3.362337 34.02071 14.71433 25.92933 3.360173 0.1226580 1.908089 1.452084 0.0771402 26.64846 0.6716216 57.48324 396.9282 0.0138266
5 14:16:16 540.0 0 10.288968 0.1376602 267.9198 2.009217 1.471788 26.01813 6 1.42 1 2.84 26.01478 26.01813 26.02164 413.9044 400.5999 16.92567 19.28878 49.53554 56.44850 500.3043 1200.785 7.497018 98.81870 2.018435 -0.3787848 0.2174792 0.0025482 0.2455426 0.0025012 0.6666667 -0.2195652 2.737392 1 0 0.16 111115 0.8338405 0.0020092 299.1681 299.1648 192.1257 1.174669 3.377880 34.18260 14.89382 26.01646 3.377546 0.1312960 1.906093 1.471453 0.0826090 26.47549 0.6687965 57.30143 395.7090 0.0148991
6 14:16:32 555.5 0 10.178603 0.1381995 269.5898 2.016100 1.471138 26.01657 6 1.42 1 2.84 26.02212 26.01657 26.02939 413.6639 400.4885 16.92345 19.29468 49.49181 56.42595 500.2979 1200.879 7.569045 98.80596 2.018435 -0.3787848 0.2174792 0.0025482 0.2455426 0.0025012 0.6666667 -0.2195652 2.737392 1 0 0.16 111115 0.8338298 0.0020161 299.1666 299.1721 192.1406 1.172561 3.377567 34.18384 14.88916 26.01934 3.378122 0.1317865 1.906429 1.471693 0.0829197 26.63708 0.6731525 57.32389 395.6501 0.0147473

Table 15.1 数据为同一个叶片连续记录数据,故所有的光合速率十分接近。



one_data <- subset(one_data, Obs > 0)
one_data$Rd <- 0.5
aci_fit <- fitaci(one_data, fitmethod = "onepoint")
Table 15.2: onepoint 法计算的结果
aci_fit.Photo aci_fit.Vcmax aci_fit.Jmax
10.519216 47.06893 71.73759
10.361122 46.22091 70.51059
10.207166 45.44617 69.35838
9.547416 41.86217 64.24400
10.288968 45.09335 69.36954
10.178603 44.37360 68.41628
10.348184 45.61262 69.98563
10.088908 43.96870 67.78267
10.382970 45.83416 70.28272
10.314660 45.32629 69.64235
10.249137 44.86035 69.04578
10.263942 45.03290 69.23316
10.276372 45.06777 69.30476
10.310315 45.41163 69.69375
10.257607 45.10509 69.26665
10.268318 45.10636 69.30563
10.249136 45.08506 69.22086
10.286432 45.23213 69.46825
10.304019 45.40981 69.66987
10.232778 44.93236 69.04323
10.211444 44.87301 68.92133
10.261779 45.27150 69.41197
10.372243 45.88799 70.28733
9.865629 42.90010 66.16012
10.494170 46.74011 71.39036
10.218001 45.02652 69.06497
10.059445 44.09354 67.77443
10.428858 46.47593 70.95132
10.250793 45.30113 69.39661
9.912939 43.36453 66.68832
10.199344 45.25700 69.18076
10.391926 46.39390 70.75653
10.160686 44.88657 68.75316
10.024682 44.18376 67.72287
10.129775 44.92784 68.67708
10.141083 45.00936 68.78099
10.001353 44.25706 67.69872
10.292306 45.99487 70.09022
10.107537 44.81090 68.50677
10.045704 44.52225 68.06286
10.020921 44.45621 67.92429
10.110870 45.11312 68.75747
10.002926 44.42129 67.83392
10.084427 45.05038 68.61609
9.997523 44.53516 67.90526
10.031004 44.79683 68.22931
10.067866 45.01510 68.53037
9.913409 44.05520 67.23265
10.021746 44.87409 68.25803
9.913314 44.20530 67.35073
9.993697 44.80203 68.10315
9.851695 44.01827 66.98918
9.736275 43.13847 65.89470
9.797319 43.98036 66.76973
9.626554 42.91998 65.34117
9.471773 41.68336 63.83331
9.646700 42.87917 65.37916
9.644842 42.99673 65.46524
9.758413 43.70607 66.41972
9.553852 42.50445 64.76295
9.662671 43.28157 65.75264
9.563656 42.70328 64.95411
9.672595 43.52788 65.98331
9.548987 42.64583 64.85665
9.597028 43.06762 65.35629
9.564234 42.91240 65.11967
9.528271 42.77665 64.88887
9.516492 42.83815 64.89806
9.473123 42.62617 64.58091
9.448475 42.51675 64.41002
9.456234 42.55351 64.46375
9.480095 42.94755 64.86062
9.363030 42.21889 63.88107
9.311755 41.93995 63.48342
9.459983 43.05099 64.87112
9.483853 43.30531 65.15723
9.027537 40.30433 61.22108
9.476729 43.44072 65.23563
9.280183 42.12853 63.52291
9.261344 42.17840 63.49744
9.334307 42.85683 64.28533
9.051123 41.06857 61.90318
9.270810 42.51712 63.79523
9.330762 43.01265 64.39291
9.218163 42.26923 63.41804
9.085934 41.60645 62.44411
9.083060 41.74496 62.54482
9.132510 42.02581 62.93301
9.131158 42.10676 62.99170
9.145548 42.35821 63.24067
9.059605 41.85986 62.55140
9.091451 42.25809 62.97554
9.070366 42.19632 62.85631
8.943521 41.35936 61.76031
8.975535 41.65581 62.10145
8.973756 41.81212 62.22232
8.962861 41.76093 62.14239
8.904978 41.49087 61.73147
8.918707 41.60684 61.86895
8.968677 42.07851 62.41156
8.759890 40.74396 60.64875
8.821386 41.29744 61.29504
8.896446 41.92053 62.04190
8.847126 41.57371 61.60003
8.841565 41.74028 61.71268
8.832967 41.80729 61.73844
8.847937 41.85192 61.82163
8.728196 40.98872 60.72970
8.789579 41.72098 61.52023
8.720803 41.30092 60.95505
8.793964 41.82089 61.60873
8.740789 41.45169 61.13431
8.912781 42.54266 62.58591
8.641433 41.15567 60.56410
8.716064 41.68926 61.24072
8.826706 42.15912 61.99019
8.835380 42.38866 62.20246
8.795586 42.17302 61.89721
8.791231 42.11367 61.83223

需要注意,为保证结果的精确,如果不设定 Rd, 也即文献中的 Rday, 模型是无法计算的,因此 Table 15.2 的示例中虚构了一个。

15.1.5 findCiTransition 函数

对于计算不同 ACi 限制阶段过渡点的方式,可以使用 CiTransition 的函数,第一点为 Ac ~ Aj,第二点为 Aj ~ Ap,并且仅在计算 TPU 的前提下才会有第二点出现。

findCiTransition(object, ...)

参数使用,object 为 fitaci 函数对象,或者整个的 Photosyn 函数。 … 为使用 Photosyn 时可传递的参数。默认的 fitaci 对象作图会标记该点,如图 Figure 15.1。 数据的计算也非常简单:

   Ac_Aj    Aj_Ap 
538.0701       NA 

15.2 photosynthesis 拟合

相比plantecophysphotosynthesis (章节 3) 做了一些改进,但基本使用非常相似。我们使用和 plantecophys 相同的数据集进行演示。

这里官方文档说是温度使用的摄氏度,但是 vignette 使用的是 K,经过验证,应该是 K 才能拟合。。


aci$TLEAF <- aci$Tleaf + 273.15
fit <-
                   varnames = list(
                     A_net = "Photo",
                     T_leaf = "TLEAF",
                     C_i = "Ci",
                     PPFD = "PARi"



::: {.cell tbl-cap=’ ’} ::: {.cell-output-display}

Table 15.3: 使用 photosynthesis 来拟合 ACi 曲线的结果
variable value
Num 0.0000000
V_cmax 98.7962878
V_cmax_se 2.1338711
J_max 157.4297453
J 146.2105728
J_se 0.5587627
V_TPU 1000.0000000
R_d -0.1030324
R_d_se 0.2816426
cost 1.9502380
citransition1 536.3407882
citransition2 1757.1639630
V_cmax_pts 8.0000000
J_max_pts 4.0000000
V_TPU_pts 0.0000000
alpha 0.2400000
alpha_g 0.0000000
gamma_star25 42.7500000
Ea_gamma_star 37830.0000000
K_M25 718.4000000
Ea_K_M 65508.2800000
g_mc25 0.0870100
Ea_g_mc 0.0000000
Oconc 21.0000000
theta_J 0.8500000

::: :::

上面使用 melt 纯粹是因为横排数据太长,并非必须。其实也能看出来它拟合 ACi 和非直角双曲线光响应模型是一样的展示结果的方式,图形查看为:


使用 photosynthesis 来拟合 ACi 曲线的图形查看

此外,它也有 fit_many 函数用于多组数据的拟合,这个没太大变化,主要是注意分组参数 group,以及使用函数的参数 functfit_aci_response,此处不再展开介绍。

关于 LI-6800 数据分析示例

为减少单个单元的代码量,同时也为了方便,将 LI-6800 数据分析代码演示放在了 RACiR 单元内演示。

  1. 仅针对 C3 植物↩︎

  2. 在 R 中,使用参数的值为默认值时可以不用填写该参数,例如使用默认选项分析 LI-6400 数据时,可只填写 data 项,具体参考 R 的相关入门手册↩︎

  3. 为Rubisco和RuBP限制的Ci转换点,物种间差异较大,可以通过预实验确定↩︎

  4. 若默认拟合方法失败,数据也无问题,那么是非线性拟合初始值设定的原因↩︎

  5. 需要注意,此时fitmethod一般推荐使用bilinear。↩︎