第 4 章 气孔导度模型的拟合
气孔导度模型的拟合是通过 fitBB
来实现的,可以拟合三个 Ball-Berry 类型的气孔导度模型,共有下面几个参数:
- 气孔导度 (gs),
- 光合 (A),
- 外界 CO2 浓度 (Ca)
- 水气压亏缺 (VPD).
4.1 BallBerry 模型
Ball, Woodrow, and Berry (1987) 发表的文章中的模型:
\[\begin{equation} g_s = g0 + g1(\frac{A h_r}{C_a}) \tag{4.1} \end{equation}\]
其中 A 为净光合速率,g0 和 g1 为拟合参数,hr 为叶片表面的相对湿度,Ca 为叶片处CO2浓度。
4.2 BBLeuning 模型
Leuning (1995) 发表的文章中的模型:
\[\begin{equation} g_s = g_0 + g_1(\frac{A}{(C_a - \Gamma)(1 + \frac{D}{D_0})}) \tag{4.2} \end{equation}\]
其中 \(\Gamma\) 为 CO2 补偿点,g0、g1 和 D0 为拟合参数。
4.3 BBOptiFull 模型
Belinda E. Medlyn et al. (2011) 发表的文章中的模型:
\[\begin{equation} g_s^* \approx g_0 + g_1(1 + \frac{g_1}{D}) \frac{A}{C_a} \tag{4.3} \end{equation}\]
额外的参数 gk 来自于 Remko A. Duursma et al. (2013) \[\begin{equation} g_s = g_0 + 1.6(1 + \frac{g_1}{D}(1-g_k)) \frac{A}{C_a} \tag{4.4} \end{equation}\]
4.4 fitBB
fitBB(data, varnames = list(
ALEAF = "A", GS = "gsw", VPD = "VPDleaf",
Ca ="CO2_s", RH = "RHcham"),
gsmodel = c("BBOpti", "BBLeuning", "BallBerry",
"BBOptiFull"), fitg0 = FALSE)
- data:待分析的数据文件。
- varnames:注意,函数默认数据为 6400 格式,因此 6800 的数据文件要安装上文的参数修改。 相对湿度只有在使用 BallBerry 时才需要输入。
- gsmodel:上述三个模型之一。
- fitg0:默认不计算g0,若需要,改为TRUE。
<- read.csv("./data/aci.csv")
aci <- subset(aci, Obs > 0)
aci fitBB(aci, varnames = list(ALEAF = "Photo", GS = "Cond", VPD = "VpdL",
Ca = "CO2S", RH = "RH_S"), gsmodel = "BBOpti", fitg0 = TRUE)
## Result of fitBB.
## Model : BBOpti
## Both g0 and g1 were estimated.
## Coefficients:
## g0 g1
## 0.326 -0.992
## For more details of the fit, look at summary(myfit$fit)
## To return coefficients, do coef(myfit).
## (where myfit is the name of the object returned by fitBB)
4.5 fitBBs
如果我们有多个物种的数据,那么使用 fitBBs
<- read.csv("./data/aci01.csv")
aci01 <- subset(aci01, Obs > 0)
aci01 <- data.frame(
multiBB A = c(aci$Photo, aci01$Photo),
GS = c(aci$Cond, aci01$Cond),
CO2S = c(aci$CO2S, aci01$CO2S),
VPD = c(aci$VpdL, aci01$VpdL),
RH = c(aci$RH_S, aci01$RH_S),
species = c(rep("species1", length(aci$Photo)),
rep("species2", length(aci01$Photo)))
<- fitBBs(multiBB, group = "species",
mod2 varnames = list(
ALEAF = "A", GS = "GS", VPD = "VPD",
Ca ="CO2S", RH = "RH"),
gsmodel = "BallBerry", fitg0 = TRUE)
## RH provided in % converted to relative units.
## RH provided in % converted to relative units.
## group g0 g1
## 1 species1 0.32638852 -0.1734554
## 2 species2 0.05158725 -0.0218842